Alert Tuning for Your Upgraded SCOM Environment

If you know which MPs your overrides are stored in, then migrating your current effective tuning is as easy as exporting all of your override MPs, and then importing them into your new SCOM Management Group, assuming you have already imported the MPs containing the monitoring itself.

As you also know, in most SCOM deployments, this is never reality across the board. You will have overrides in the dreaded "Default Management Pack", in poorly named "Overrides 27-4-2009" MP and who knows where else.

Ultimately as you are ditching your old SCOM Management Group at this stage, you don't care where your overrides are stored, you simply want to capture them from wherever they are and move them to your new Management Group.

Enter Easy Tune and Easy Tune PRO; which have the functionality to do just this.  Easy Tune allows you to tune a whole Management Pack in a few clicks from "tuning packs" which are essentially CSV files, Easy Tune PRO lets you capture your effective overrides targeted at a group or object, no matter where they are stored. Overrides captured are stored in a new tuning pack and can be easily migrated to a new Management Group.  The overrides can even be re-targeted (so tuning captured from a specific object from your old group can be applied to a group in your new Management Group) while overrides targeting objects/groups you don't want to migrate can be left behind:


Easy Tune lets you filter out tuning targeting workflows in a specific MP during the capture process, In the below example I have a Windows Server selected (via the specific object functionality) that I want to capture the effective tuning from, and can simply hit remove for any MPs I don't want related overrides from.


The tuning pack that is created shows you each override that has been captured, and where in your source Management Group the tuning lives – great for unpicking the mess if you want to tidy up your existing overrides.

Once you have captured your current effective tuning from your old Management Group, import Easy Tune into your new Management group and tune from your captured tuning packs against your new groups and objects.

More info on our free Easy Tune PRO Trial is here along with a demo video.


The export/import of SCOM notifications is widely covered elsewhere, so the below is an extract from this blog from "Anthony" from here:

  • Export the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal mp in the old and new Management Groups - do not modify these, they are our backup copies

  • Make a copy of both files and rename them to something meaningful like Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.ManagementGroupName_ backup.xml

  • Make a note of the mp version number of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal mp from the new Management Group. In my case it was 7.2.11719.0

  • Open up the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml file for the old Management Group and change the version number to that of the new Management Group mp version + 1. In my case I changed it from 7.0.9538.0 to 7.2.11719.1. This is so the mp imports properly in the new Management Group

At this point you may want to consider disabling all the subscriptions before importing it to the new Management Group if you don't want notifications being sent out.

  • To disable notifications go through each rule and change Enabled="true" to Enabled="false"

  • Import the MP into the new Management Group

  • Test your notifications.

Need more advice on your SCOM Upgrade?

If you found this information useful you may want to check out our other blogs in the SCOM Upgrade series:

Navigating the Challenges and Choices of Upgrading SCOM

Migrating Management Packs When Upgrading SCOM


A Reflection on Business Continuity: From Co-Founder Bruce Cullen


Migrating Management Packs When Upgrading SCOM